Lin Manual Miranda latest film In the Heights musical is met with criticism, the lack of Afro Latinx characters is noticeably lacking, however, according to the latino community in Washington Heights neighborhood residents would rather see a novella on TV.
A poll taken suggest the community's deep disappointment and have largely withdrawn support for all of Lin's future projects, some have even gone so far to reclassify Lin as Gray... which they may not be alone... Lins apologies have had no effect on the backlash, infact it appears to have grown.
Cancel culture have used Lins face on socal media as the poster guy to why Hollywood needs to be defund.
Aside from the controversy the film's story is missing the magic it once had in theatre... perhaps they should have used all the actors and brought along other new writers to capture the glory.
The musical is a Pissonia dreadful film.
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